Sunday, December 19, 2021

Universal theories - A third eye view of the corona pandemic


A lady holding a face mask
                                                           Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

What is Third eye?

If there is any feed back outside of the human knowledge, that is third eye. Science or technology can't find it. If say in one word, third eye is the wisdom. The way the wisdom seen things is much different than the way the world seen things. But most times humans not paying attention towards the third eye. That is why for a solution people always turn towards the science and technology. But there is times this worldly knowledge becomes totally helpless. In such times humans turning towards their cultural beliefs or religious beliefs. I am not going to pushing down those beliefs. But those also not helping in some critical situations. Best example is this corona pandemic. While doing all the other things, humans should turn towards the wisdom to take the working solution.  

what is the universe showing to humans through corona pandemic?

To understand what is the massage giving by the universe through this pandemic, We should have the third eye. If you are interested in how to get the third eye you can read my how to be blog page. Let's have a third eye look at this. Easy way to understand the massage from universe for this pandemic is, look at what was changed in the life of humans by corona.

Gathering in large crowds - Why people gathering in large crowds? For entertainment is a one thing. Musical shows, Celebrity shows, sports events, movies etc. Someone can question me, are those bad things? No, those are not bad. I will answer this question at the end. Another reason for large crowds is political rallies. Is it a wrong thing? I will answer at the end. Another one is religious gathering. No, this also not wrong. I will explain. Those I mentioned is huge crowd gatherings. There are many more like celebrating various events. Now I am going to answer. If those are not bad things what is wrong in those things? However the universe activated and restricts those things for a reason. The reason is this. While majority of world population living in poverty, huge amount of money wasting for those things. In those human acts showing they badly loosing empathy, caring, and the divine love. Read what is divine love. The universe wants humans more better than this. Humans were supposed to be a divine living being. That is why.

Signaling to go to equality - As everyone knows money and power takes as a super power in the world. If someone has money and power, that person counting as a super being. There is more things highlighting to be a super being. As like Nationality, race, color, etc. But in this pandemic the universe shows to the humanity those things can't make anyone a super being or special. Poor or rich, powerful or not, all the humans are equal in this pandemic. Any kind of this worldly values not able to protect a person from this pandemic. The universe saying to humans, go back to equality.

Immunity - What is the health advice and what they are trying to do for protecting from corona? It is keep your immune system strong. By getting a vaccine only a person can't make the immune system strong. Why can't? Because of a person has a mind too. Mind and body depending on each others. As same as a person getting vaccine to increase the immune system of the body, they should get a vaccine for the mind too. Is there a vaccine for the mind? Answer is yes. But what is wrong with mind? What is the mind has to do with this? As like viruses coming to body, viruses coming to mind too. Hate, stress, depression, jealousy, meanness, fear, sadness, those are viruses what makes the mind weak. It is a biological fact, if your mind get those things, it can take your body immune system down. So what are the vaccine for the mind? Those are divine love, empathy, kindness, equanimity, being happy. Any of these positive emotions are improving the body immunity too. So, the universe saying humans to take this positive things inside your mind. Without a doubt everyone knows those are good things. But do that in practically is a problem.

How to get the vaccine for the mind? - I like to get those good emotions, values in my mind. But others will take advantage on me. Others will keep hating, not caring, pressuring me and so on. Someone can say that. It is not a lie. It is true. Then how to do it? The universe not telling you to do something without giving help. The universe is always ready to empower a person, fill the person with divine love and wisdom. If you are ready, the door is open.

Read how to be an empowered person

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