Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Universal Theories for humans


meditation image

The universe is alive if you are really aware of it.

Human history overview through the wisdom

   Since the beginning of the human race, they experienced something above them which they can't understand. For the primal brain of early humans, even the fire was a surprise. Thunders, storms, lightning made them scared. Even though scared, they were much curious about those things. So they started to examine. They started to learn. They started to learn how to use those things which are once made them scared. As much as they learned, they saw more. But how much they saw, how much they learned, they felt  something was still above them. Thousands of years passed. Human race, human brain developed. They discovered amazing secrets. They revealed amazing powers. But, even today, in this modern well developed world also, that something seems still exists above human mind. How much higher the humans learned, how much things humans discovered,  still seems like something is there beyond of the understanding. This undiscovered thing, this undiscovered area is not only in technology. But also in every events of the life there still exists an undiscovered something. It exists in physical, mental, social, spiritual, philosophical and everything. You name it, that undiscovered area is there.

                                    People sit around a fire place
   Someone can question me, "So what? Nobody is perfect, humans will learn more, discover more and it will go on and on. that is how it is." I will accept it. I will say, "yes that is how it is." But, there is a "but" at the  end. But, isn't there something missed in development of the human race? why in some areas of the life humans becomes totally helpless? pain, sadness, deceases, deep failures in life etc. Why this much improved human becoming that much helpless? I am saying, the reason is human race terribly missed something in their development progress. When you standing so closer to an object which is large in size, your view totally covered by that object. Then what you can see is that object only. Whether that is the object you should see or not, that is what you seen. So, you accepting what you seen as a fact, or an ultimate truth. In this situation you are unintentionally becomes a prisoner. Like or not, agreed or not, this is what you have to see. This is where you have to live. If say in another words this means " you became a prisoner of this system". That is the system developed by the human race throughout the history. That is why some saying,  "So what? Nobody is perfect, humans will learn more, discover more and it will go on and on. That is how it is." As like you standing so closer to a huge object which covering your whole vision, you living so closer to the system which  developed by humans throughout the history. So your vision is the vision which is the system giving you. That is why I told you became a prisoner of this system. As long as you are a prisoner, you can't see the whole picture. You can't see the truth.

a person in front of a huge tree

 Here I am going to show a way to be free. I am going to show you a new path. A new dimension where you will not be a prisoner or where you will not suffer the life. If say in another words you will go under "universal theories" instead of "the worldly theories". There you will be "universal".
   Now let's see what was missed in the development progress of the human race. To see that, you have to go far. Far away from where you standing on. Because of as long as you are standing on so closer to the situation, environment, created by this system which is came throughout the history, you can't see the whole picture. But, going away from this "prison" is not an easy thing. By the system, This everything injected in to your mind, your body, your whole inner being, throughout the generation to generation. But if you can gain something enough by "being universal" how much hard is the moving away is, you will do that.
   Let's go back to the beginning of the human race. Let's go to the stone age. There the "man" lived there in a stone cave, barely naked. He had nothing belongs to him. May be he had a wooden club in his hand. That was all he made. That was all he created. Except that wooden club, may be a dog was sat beside him. I am asking you to go there in your mind. Try to see and feel that environment. There wasn't anything man made around him. Just the nature only. Forest or may be desert or a plain of grass was there. Look around, try to live few minutes there.

stone age family

Now I am asking you to open your eyes. Look around. You can see the difference. Everywhere what you seen is man made things. Can you have an idea how much big is the difference? Comfortable house, couches, beds, TVs, smart phones, many other devices, those everything made by the man. Those things didn't come to earth from another planet. Then from where came those things? from where came this knowledge, technology? those all came from the soil of the earth. These were extracted from the ground by amazingly developed human brain. Nothing came from an outer space. It's true that it took millions of years to happen this change. But, isn't it a miracle? As we all know, although it took millions of years to improve primary brain of human, lately before few centuries, it started to improve fast. The "miracle" started to happens fast. So, this everything around you is a result of the improved brain of human. But, what is missed in the progress of the development of human race? Why the pain, sadness, huge failures? Why this much amazing human brain get totally lost at some events?

Distance view

   To find the answer for those questions, we have to move. We have to move far from this system which was created throughout the history. When move to a distance position, you will be able to see the whole picture.  Until we are so attached to the system which created by human brain, we all see one part of the picture only. That part is the physical part. Those are visible results of the development of the human race. That is what normally all can see. That is the part most of the humans paying attention. That is what most people are trying to improve. But wait. Is human made only of the brain? Or can this body called a human being? Is this all the visual results only can count on as the development? This was what the human race missed in the progress. Human race missed to develop the invisible part of the human. What is that invisible part? Because a human, a person is a combination of some sections. There is more than something physical. The visual part is what first we see. The body. But the body only is not a human. There can categorize at least five  sections in a human, a person.  1. Body, 2. Mind, 3.spirit/soul, 4. Social 5. Economical.
    If we create a graph of those five sections, you will see humans pays more attention towards visible parts and low attention towards invisible sections. Mainly body and economical. Social may be somewhat getting attention. Mind and spirit/soul sections getting very low attention. Improving brain and improving mind is not a same thing. Because the mind is not only the brain. The mind has characteristic of the spirit/soul. The brain targeting some specific subject or more than one.
   I am giving you something to imagine.
   When you gone to stone age by your mind you saw how primary that life was. When you came back to modern world, you saw how much it improved and it is nothing but a miracle. So a miracle happened in the improvement of humans material world.
   This is what I am giving you to imagine. If it happened a miracle in material world, what if humans improved in non material world? What if a miracle happened in spiritual side too? can you imagine that according to the miracle happened in material world? What you think if spiritual side also improved with that much difference? If it happened so, where would be humans today? It would be nothing, but humans reach the immortality! 
stone age family and a modern computer room

   This blog is open to discussion. Even though you not agreed with what I am saying, you can share your ideas. I am saying again, If humans improved their spiritual side as the same way they improved the material side, today humans will be immortal. This world would be nothing but the heaven!
   But instead of making a "heaven" what happened was making a "hell" on earth. If specify the hell is what appeared on earth due to the unbalance progress of human race, it can say it is a backward process in spiritual side of the human race. Early humans hunted together for their existence. Modern human hunting each others for increase their power. In this way I can say more how humans gone backward in spiritual side. But I am not going to say it. Instead of that I will remind one thing. Remember I wrote there may be a dog sat beside early human? That dog not improved in technology. That dog still the same, naked. Still  sit beside the human. What you going to say if I tell you, sometimes this improved human has things to learn from this unimproved dog. This dog still a friend of the human, this dog still friendly, loving and caring. Not only that, it protecting the human. And it is always loyal. Don't you think sometimes humans has to learn those values from the dog? Sad, but it is not a lie.
  Humans did a big mistake during their development progress. It was not a little mistake. It was big enough to stop another miracle. Which is stopped is another same kind of miracle which happened in development of the material side.


children in poverty

   Above showing a one  example of unbalance improvement of the human. I can show more. But that is not what I am going to do through this blog. I am trying to show the answer to stop this all kind of unfortunate things happening on the earth.

Why that one part missed in the development

   Let's go back to the discussion. There should be a reason why humans missed the non-material/spiritual side. As we talked early humans was curious about what they can't understand. They were scared. May be they ran away. But again came closer and got some understanding. After they saw that thing they were once scared can use for make their life easy, comfortable, powerful, They grabbed it. Every time when anything new they saw, this was the reaction. As a fact our attention getting first at what is more visible and more attractive or something totally new. This fact was effected on early humans too. So there is two reasons for attract to something. 1. That should be more visible and more attractive or something totally new. 2. That thing should be able to use for make the life easy, comfortable and powerful. This can name as a worldly theory. Let's name it as worldly theory of attract. This worldly theory was effected on early humans too. Even after the stone age, bronze age and iron age, Even today it happening. After humans identified almost all of natural powers which they can see, Next their attention goes towards what others making, inventing.

1901 first flight

In the meantime there appeared some people who paying attention at the invisible side too. Philosophers, spiritual leaders  and people who doing witchcraft as well. It found first philosophers in 6th 7th centuries BC. So it seems some people paid attention towards non material things too. Later Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and many other spiritual leaders talked about non material/spiritual side. People gathered around them. As a result religions born in to the world. There is no doubt or argument those spiritual leaders showed humans the correct path to make the world is a better place to live in peace and harmony and improved in non material side too. But even after those spiritual leaders showed the correct path and even though people gathered around them, there still remains a question mark following by the word why. Why still wars? why still poverty? why still humans suffering?

religions icons

Why still suffering?

Even after great spiritual leaders showed correct path to humans and even though humans gathered around them in large numbers, even after many religions established all around the world, why still suffering? Without any doubt there had be something gone wrong. For solving a problem it need to find out what is the major issue. In this discussion we found that humans not improved enough in non material/spiritual side. But, there is many religions in the world and more than 80% of the world population believing in a religion.

  • Christianity                           31.11%
  • Islam                                     24.90%
  • Hinduism                               15.16%
  • Buddhism                               6.62%
  • Folk religions                         5.61%
  • Other religions                      0.79%

Even while more than 80% of world population believing in a religion, still humans are suffering. Definitely there is something gone wrong. To see what gone wrong you should have a free mind. If say in another words, you have to be universal. Although people gathered around non material event, the results show that no significant spiritual progress has been made. A few steps took place. Spiritual leaders talked to humans, humans gathered around, worldly theory of attract activated. Now you can question me. Spiritual leaders talked to people about  non material/spiritual, side. So how worldly theory of attract activated there? What was there to grab for use in the material world? You are correct, there was not a thing can use to improve the material world oriented life. But, again there is a "but" remains. There was nothing for the material world, but humans were stay gathering around. But, non material, spiritual side did not improved either. According to the wisdom, the reason is this. In between spiritual leaders talked and people gathered around, something happened. Something man made emerged there. Now can you guess what it was? It was something that could activate the worldly theory of attraction. Spiritual leaders didn't lead people to make a worldly kingdom. Worldly kingdom was already there and it was exceeding the limit. But worldly oriented humans made something out of the vision of spiritual leaders. That was the religion. In religion humans were able to make worldly values. in righteousness which preached by spiritual leaders, humans didn't see any opportunity for make a worldly kingdom. That is why they made the religion by using words of spiritual leaders. In the religion they got enough opportunities to grab worldly values like money, power, reputation etc. Now you see the barrier appeared between spiritual leaders and people.

How religions became a barrier

How religions became a barrier between spiritual leaders and people? How the same vision spiritual leaders talked to people  not making people improving in spiritual when it coming through religions? The answer is very clearly showing by the wisdom.
   Spiritual leaders peached to people about righteousness. The righteousness is universal. Spiritual leaders talked to people about the love (not human love). The love is divine and universal. But what religions talked to people is a religion. Neither divine love nor true righteousness was peached there. Each religion want to show that their religion is the best and take more people in to their religion. So religion is not universal. Religions also talking to people about love, But not leading people to universal, divine love. When spiritual leaders talking to people they talked words of the wisdom. Their vision was universal. Words of the wisdom is universal, any person can accept it. Nobody can refuse it. But when a religion talk other religions can refuse it. As same as all other worldly groups, religions also dividing people. So human kind lost the correct path. When you have many clocks in your house and when each clock showing different time, you can't find what is the correct time and you lost.  Religions also caused a similar confusion in the improvement of the non material/spiritual side of the humans. Different religions are clocks that show different time.
   Now I will show you how the worldly theory of attract activated in this non material side too. When a person or a religious group trying to show they are the best in religions, there activating the worldly theory of attract. There it is not material, but there is a non material/spiritual desire. To make "we are the best and others are lower than us". That is why many wars happened in the history because of religions.  
   Do not think of me as an atheist because I speak like this. I do not represent any such group. I only speak the words of the wisdom.
   We gone a distance view and saw what was gone wrong and what missed throughout history until now. Those mistakes made the world a place which is not supposed to be. What had happened is happened. But it can change. There is a solution. There is way to make this world a better place. Next we are going see what humans can do.

Where humankind should go? Guidance of the wisdom

   The universe has a plan for humans. How a human should be. Where humankind should go. Through the wisdom the universe giving the guidance. Not only the guidance, the universe always ready to help.
   I am going to tell you a story.
      Once upon a time there was a farmer. He had chickens. He kept his chickens in a chicken coop. One day he gone to the forest for some wood. When he was looking for wood he saw a bird on the ground. He gone closer and saw that was a baby eagle. However this baby eagle fall on the ground. It's wings not growth enough to fly. Farmer had pity on the baby eagle and he brought it to his home. He put the baby eagle in one of his chicken pen. Time passed and the baby eagle grow in to an eagle. But, there was no any signs of a eagle in this eagle. It lived in a chicken pen. It ate chicken food. Lived with chicken. In body it was an eagle, but in inside, it was a chicken. One day a friend of the farmer came to see him. While they were talking they walked around. Then the friend saw an eagle is in a chicken pen. So friend asked, "why an eagle in a chicken pen? is it not harming to your chickens?" farmer answered, "don't worry about it. it is not an eagle anymore. it is another another chicken only." The friend was worried about the eagle. The eagle was fully grown and beautiful. But it was a chicken in inside. The friend asked, "can it fly?" farmer said, "yes, as like a chicken, but not as like an eagle." the friend was more worried about eagle. He asked from farmer "can you give me it. I will try to make it an eagle again." farmer gave the eagle to friend but he told this. "You can't make it an eagle again. It is a chicken now." However the friend took the eagle.

chickens in a cage

   The friend of the farmer had some knowledge about eagles and their behaviors. He knew eagle's nests in mountain tops. He took this eagle with him and walked to a mountain. This was an early morning. He gone there before sunrise. Because he knew when sun rising eagle waking up and face the rising sun and flying to the sky. He took the eagle with him and climbed to a high mountain top. He hold the eagle with both of his hands. When the sun rising he hold the eagle facing to the sun. Race of rising sun hit on the eagle. Something started to happen. The eagle given a sharp sound which never it did in it's whole life. Next those beautiful huge wings spread. With a sharp screech next second the eagle zoomed in to the sky!.

Flying eagle

   When the eagle gone to the mountain top, when the eagle was where it should be, when the eagle gone face to face with the source of the power, it's inner real nature woke up.
   Now you can understand what I am going to say. You saw that picture chickens in a cage. That is where now humans are. That cage is made by worldly concepts. Humans are framed, caged by various concepts made by humans. Race, color, religion, political, even nationality, Anything dividing humans and stopping they being universal, that is a cage. A chicken coop. You saw the picture the eagle zooming in to the sky. That how humans should be. That is how humans suppose to be. Humans should go in to that high mountain top. They should face to the source. They should wake up their inner real nature. In the page how to be showing the guidance how to wake up the real inner being.

Why superman landed on earth?

   Above I showed humans should wake up there inner real being Instead of being a chicken in a cage. Should be understand the real inner nature and be an eagle. I am telling you a human is a super being. Humans are a part of this infinite powerful universe. Humans doesn't know that they are planned to be a super being. But humans like it. This likeness is not a man made thing. It is because of that real super nature hidden in deep inside of humans. That real nature is a powerful one. Humans like to be a super being. But they can't because of they not open themselves to the wisdom. So they can't see the path. When humans like something but can't obtain it, they starting to dreaming about it. Those dreams are fantasy dreams. They made stories out of those dreams. With the improvement of technology stories becomes movies. Among all movies fantasy movies taking a advance place. People like fantasies that much. I have a group in facebook, it name is vampires. I got almost five thousand members in it. I have a group named mind weapon, that is a spiritual oriented group. There I got just three hundred members only. For fantasies people attract ten times more than spiritual side. That is why superman landed on earth.
 Because of humans used to living in this world oriented life, those fantasies and those hero's all are showing this world oriented values only. And those all fantasies will stay as fantasies forever without become reality. But in universal oriented life, a person can become a super being outside of a fantasy. Without the wisdom nobody can see the path to be a super human. But it is not an impossible thing. There is a guidance and help for that if a person connected to the source/the universe properly and get the guidance of the wisdom.
   That is what the wisdom says, that is what the universe wants, humans comes out of the cage and be universal. Becomes super humans.

Thank you so much for read this. I will write more. Keep in touch with other pages and posts too.


  1. You have taught me a lot my partner but we still have a lot for us to still learn

    1. That's true. If the wisdom is the ocean, we are just a pebble of sand in the shore.

  2. I have lived my life knowing nothing but hell and pain until I meet Kriss then I learned a new way to live and I have found some may ways to change my life forever I want to learn more and more everyday I yearn for more and more everyday and I'm so grateful for Kriss more than anyone will ever know thank you for leading me to the path

  3. I am so happy to read this and I am so grateful to dear universe for take you to the path of the wisdom. I am so proud of you for been wise enough to step in to the path of the wisdom.

  4. I will walk with you in this path forever my partner


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